
开始 2016年9月14日 dog owners who do not clean-up after their animals can be fined $50-$150. This law applies to any public property, public right-of-way or private property without the permission of a private property owner.

This ordinance does not apply to a guide dog, service dog or hearing dog accompanying any person with a disability.

Why should I clean up my dog’s waste?

Having a dog is both a pleasure and a responsibility. Not only do dog owners have a responsibility for the care, feeding and general welfare of their dogs, they have a responsibility for protecting their community as well. That responsibility includes proper disposal of dog waste. 

The 环境al Protection Agency (EPA) considers dog waste a pollutant of water bodies and it is most often introduced into receiving waters by way of storm water runoff. Everyone must do their part to protect the quality of our storm water runoff. 

Dog waste left on the ground increases exposure of you, 你的邻居, 以及我们的细菌群落, 病毒和寄生虫.  Those particularly at risk are other pets and children who play outside. Some of these bacteria, 病毒和寄生虫 are:

  • 粪便大肠菌群-细菌;
  • 沙门氏菌——细菌;
  • 钩虫、蛔虫 & tapeworms - parasites; and,
  • 刚地弓形虫-病毒.


  • Put dog waste in a plastic bag, seal it, and throw it in the garbage!

What if dog waste isn’t picked up?

It’s bad for your health, our waterways, and potentially your pocketbook! There are laws in 达勒姆郡 to protect our health and our environment which require dog waste to be picked up and disposed of properly.


When does the new ordinance go into effect?

The new ordinance was passed by the Board of County Commissioners on March 7, 2016.  The Board declared an educational period until 2016年9月14日, at which time enforcement may begin on this ordinance.

Who can enforce this new ordinance?

As this ordinance is a non-criminal offense, the only enforcement action can be administered by the 达勒姆郡 Sheriff’s Office.

What are the fines associated with this ordinance?

The fines will fall within the guidelines established under Article I, Sec. 4-9,具体如下:

  1. 民事罚款50美元.00 shall be assessed for the first violation.
  2. 民事罚款100美元.00 shall be assessed for the second violation.
  3. 民事罚款150美元.00 shall be assess for habitual violations.

Who do I call to report a violation of this ordinance?

Call the 达勒姆郡 Sheriff’s Office Communications Center at 919-560-0900.

What is the criteria needed to prove a violation of this ordinance?

The determination of whether there’s a violation of the ordinance is at the discretion of the deputy who responds to the call for service. The decision of whether a violation has occurred, and whether there is sufficient evidence to identity the responsible party is determined on a case-by-case basis following an evaluation of all of the facts available.

What options do I have to refute a civil penalty?

A civil penalty can only be appealed during the process for collecting it.


There are two options for paying a civil penalty:

  1. You can pay the civil penalty to 达勒姆郡 Sheriff’s Office Animal 服务 Division located at 3005 Glenn Road, 达勒姆, NC 27704
  2. Or you can go to the 达勒姆郡 Tax Collector located at 200 East Main Street, 达勒姆,北卡罗来纳州27701.


Watch our video to learn more about the new ordinance:


For more information, please contact the 县经理's Office at (919) 560-0000



请按此阅读条例  (Sec. 4-140. -清除犬类废物)


恭喜Siri Oehler! She is the winner of our Canine Waste Student Artwork Contest!
